The Loch Torridon Murders

My new Novel will be available from this afternoon on Amazon, both Paperback and EBook!

I hope you will enjoy reading my book.  Prof.Hall and Millie are back, whom you will have met in Golden Silence is Broken and also The Goosey Foot Tarm Tarn Murders.

There will be more murder mystery with Professor Hall and Millie very soon!

Take care, have fun.

Millie Aveyard.

DSC00718Please, not another one!

The World seems to have gone Mad!

I am not pleased in the way that some “people” have taken my name Millie Aveyard and put various items on the Web in my name.  Nail Polish, Books, you name it!  Even photos of Merlin!

My books are all available via Amazon.Co.UK and yet today a Book Company in Canada claim to sell my books, no one asked me! I have never heard of this particular company. I am happy that my books are available via Amazon.Co.UK.  The Book company in Canada even shows my Book Covers!

Why do they do this, it is a form of persecution, and should be stopped at once!

Take care,have fun.

Millie Aveyard.

The Loch Torridon Murder – NaNoWriMO

The story is still working out, so not giving up so far, the number of words I have achieved is just over 29,000 so I think I might be nearing the end but will have a try and keep on pushing!

I am sure that writing to a certain number of words is off-putting because normally you would write until you liked the feel of a story, and if there were lots of twists and turns you could make it work out.  When you know you must really achieve the amount of words required, it is not as much fun! At least that is my only moan of the day!

take care, have fun.

Millie Aveyard.

Merlin was so shocked with may answers!

The Loch Torridon Murder

I have managed a total of 24,210 words so far. I am really pleased I have got so far.  I shall try and keep going to the end of November and see if I can achieve the full 50,000 but at the moment I do not think the story will get there! Who knows a few weeks to go yet.

I am looking for a good end to this murder as it is a complicated Government Murder! One I have been wanting to write for some time.

Thinking of stories for the future, have you noticed that when members of the Government start talking about this Country, they never seem to have any idea where Yorkshire or Tyneside or Lancashire are.  They obviously have been told it is up North, but have no idea what is going on in these regions,nor even where abouts “up north” they actually are!

I saw an article in the paper over the weekend, and which ever MP had written the report should go back to school to learn how to read a Map! He had not got a clue which part of the North the areas were in!

Take care, have fun.

Millie Aveyard.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMerlin being more his old self!


I have achieved only 16,223 words so far, so probably won’t make the target required, but I shall keep trying until the last day possible!  I am really trying to get a good book from this work and hopefully I will as the story I have started is one I have wanted to do for so long!  The Title is:The Loch Torridon Murder.

I shall just have to try harder tomorrow! I won’t stop trying until I know I can’t possible achieve the 50,000 until then – I will keep writing!

I am really enjoying having a deadline, something to work towards.  I have not had to have deadlines before.

Take care, have fun.

Millie Aveyard.
